Thursday, May 10, 2012

Greens Aerification and Verticutting

On Monday this week we did our 2nd greens aerification of the year.  We were scheduling this process depending on our weather and we couldn't have asked for better.  Cloudy and a high of 72.  We went on a 3 inch spacing and pulled out 1/4inch cores about 3 to 4 inches deep.  Using our wind rower attachment on our aerifier we were able to pull all the plugs to the edge of the green and our maintenance staff picked them up and hauled them off.  Usually we verticut before we aerify but we tried something new this time and verticut after the aerification.  We were happy with the result of this process.  The verticutting helped clean up any plugs that might have been left behind.  All in all, the process went as well as it could have and by this weekend you won't even be able to tell that we did anything.  With our new greens roller that we received this week, we were able to mow greens this morning (Thursday) and they are nice and smooth already again. So come on out and play this weekend!

We also got our new equipment here this week.  We received 2 new tee mowers, 1 new fairway mower, 4 new walking greens mowers, a sandpro for bunkers and a greens roller.  With the addition of this new equipment you should see a more consistent cut around the golf course and more consistent bunkers.

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